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  • dr.stefan.kolimechkov@gmail.com
  • Kensington & Chelsea, London W8 7JB

How to measure Standing Long Jump?

How to measure Standing Long Jump in gymnasts?

How to Measure the Standing Long Jump in Gymnasts

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and ensuring their physical fitness is an important part of their overall development. Gymnastics is a fantastic sport that not only promotes flexibility and coordination but also helps improve explosive strength. One way to assess this explosive strength is through the standing long jump test.

The standing long jump test is a simple yet effective way to measure lower body explosive strength in gymnasts. It involves jumping as far as possible from a standing position, and the distance jumped is recorded to within an accuracy of 1 cm. This test can provide valuable insights into your child's progress and help identify areas for improvement.

To accurately measure the standing long jump, follow these steps:

Prepare the take-off line: Mark a clear line on the ground using tape or chalk. This will serve as the starting point for the jump.

Positioning: Instruct your child to stand behind the take-off line with their feet shoulder-width apart. Their toes should be just behind the line.

Jumping technique: Encourage your child to bend their knees and swing their arms backward as they prepare to jump. The arms should swing forward and upward as they propel themselves forward.

Jumping: On your cue, your child should jump as far as they can, aiming to land with both feet together. Emphasize the importance of a strong push-off and a controlled landing.

Measurement: Measure the distance from the take-off line to the point where the back side of your child's heel lands on the ground. Use a measuring tape or a marked measuring stick to ensure accuracy. Record the distance to within 1 cm.

Comparing with norms: Click here to compare your child's lower-body explosive strength with international norms for their age and gender. This will provide valuable insights into their progress and help you tailor their training program.

By regularly measuring the standing long jump, you can track your child's progress over time. It's important to remember that improvement may not happen overnight, but with consistent practice and dedication, your child will see their explosive strength increase.

As a gymnastics coach at the Chelsea Gymnastics Academy, I am committed to helping children improve their fitness through gymnastics. The standing long jump test is just one of the many ways we assess and monitor their progress. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our programs, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Remember, gymnastics is not only a fun and engaging sport but also a great way for your child to develop important physical skills. Encourage them to embrace the challenge and enjoy the journey towards becoming a stronger, more confident gymnast.


Learn more


Kolimechkov, S., Petrov, L., & Alexandrova, A. (2019). Alpha-fit test battery norms for children and adolescents from 5 to 18 years of age obtained by a linear interpolation of existing European physical fitness references. European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, 5(4), 1-14.


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